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What is a Takt plan?
Probably one of the most important questions out there is, what is Takt? Is it like CPM? Is it separate from the Last Planner® System? Does the word stand for something as an acronym? Well, you have come to the right place to find out. Let’s takt, ...oops, I mean take this journey together.
Introduction To Takt Planning
Takt Planning is a detailed one-page, one-process flow schedule that focuses on throughput, bottlenecks, and ultimately, creating flow. It is accompanied by Lean practices to be the most effective scheduling tool in the industry for construction because it creates stable construction environments.
Creating a Takt Plan
Probably one of the most useful outlines we can provide for Takt is the step by step outline for how to create one. We hope to help you visualize the process in this blog post. One of the best ways to get into this system is to create your first Takt plan, so let’s get started.
Leveling Construction Production with Takt
In Takt planning, there are currently no tools on the market that give you a process for identifying and leveling production. Just because you can create a pretty chart does not mean that you can make that happen in the field. If construction were that simple, this topic would not be worth writing about.

Takt Control = Production Control
Takt Planning and Takt Control (TPTC) is the most widely used standard production system for what we call Takt in the construction industry. In this publication I am diving deep into the second half of the system as there is extensive content on Takt Planning.