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The Concept of Waste and Value in Lean
A common definition of “Lean”-anything (construction, manufacturing, operations, etc.) is that “Lean” is an operations strategy to increase value and eliminate waste. Simple, right? This is the first installment of a multi-post explanation of how Lean defines and addresses “waste”.
Understanding the 7… No, 8… No, 10 Forms of Wastes
This second installment of a three-post series explains how Lean defines and addresses “waste”. This post examines the Japanese concepts of “Muda, Mura and Muri”, attributed originally to the brilliance of Taiichi Ohno and the Toyota Production System (TPS).

Waste Walk : How to Identify Waste
How do we develop our ability to identify waste, ascertain its causes and implement a lasting correction? In order to identify waste in our operations, we need to See what we are looking at differently using a new set of Lean lenses.