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The Secret Sauce: How to Make all of Your Lean Projects Successful

The big buzz phrase in the construction industry is Integrated Project Delivery or IPD. Disney has a concept called ILPD or Integrated Lean Project Delivery. This uses not only a collaborative approach to projects, but also uses the Last Planner System and Lean concepts to eliminate waste.


Respect for People and Emotional Intelligence - The Missing Pillar of Lean

Lean Project Delivery and Last Planner System are big buzz phrases in the construction industry. Lean uses a collaborative approach to projects that eliminate waste, focus on adding value, and continuously improve.


How to Create Project Success Using Lean Principles

Tracey Kidder said, “Building is the quintessential act of civilization.” Think about it. If three people washed up on a deserted island, the first thing they would do is collaboratively build a shelter.


Innovation: The Catalyst of Continual Improvement and Lean

Companies only have two competitive advantages: their people and innovation. And people are the ones who come up with innovative ways to do things. Without that push to evolve, your lean initiative may languish.


15 Ways to Spark Corporate Creativity and Make Your Lean Journey Better

So, how do we think differently about the construction business? Many of the following concepts are a bit outrageous.


20 Ways to Enhance Your Personal Creativity

In this blog post, I will take a look at how individuals can boost their creativity. How do you get your own creative juices flowing?


AI in Construction Is Your Ally, Not Enemy

Hard hats and AI? Lean and AI? As an emotional intelligence coach who's spent years in the trenches of the construction industry, I see the whispers around AI. The fear, anxiety, the uncertainty. "Will robots take my job?" they ask, eyes wide.