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A Simple Framework for Putting Integrated Project Delivery (IPD) Into Action
Design and construction projects are long and complex and require collaboration between many parties.
Featuring Dean Reed
It’s my pleasure to welcome you to the first essay in the “Upstream Series.” As it should be, I as the editor, am leading off. I’ve also invited others with long and deep experience with Lean Construction to contribute their thoughts on what should happen long before contractors and work crews come to the job site, and once there what to do to be more productive.
Featuring Ed Beck
It seems to me that design and construction leaders may delegate Lean, rather than inspiring it. They may not sufficiently educate themselves to understand its philosophy and opportunities. The Center for Creative Leadership says, “As leaders move up to more senior management positions, they must be able to see the whole system of their organization”.
Featuring John Strickland
My big idea very briefly is to apply Lean thinking to a big and common problem using Collaborative Design and Scoping (CDS) with Fundamental Scope Blocks (FSBs). Wouldn’t it be great if we did not need to spend the entire design budget and duration until we were confident the project was technically feasible.
Featuring Chris Marolf
The design build industry revolves around managing experiences. We apply experiences from past projects to current projects. Without it, projects fail. When we try to acquire new projects, we do so by advertising our relevant experience from past projects to our clients.