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Articles By This Author
The Future of Lean Construction
The ever-increasing level of digitization, automation and autonomation will change construction. And this will inevitably change the nature of Lean Construction. Ultimately, Lean Construction will result in the ultra-efficient construction site.

The future interaction of artificial intelligence and lean construction
Lean principles are increasingly supported by applying larger, more complex datasets, which is why the future of lean and big data is connected. The ability to evaluate data correctly, to derive measures, and to improve processes will be decisive for the future competitiveness of companies.
The use of Kanban card systems on the construction site with Lean Construction Management
There is constant pressure to realize construction projects with ever shorter planning and construction times.
Featuring Dr. Selim-Tugra Demir
I am the head of Lean Solutions at Drees & Sommer SE, a leading project management consulting company in Europe. Our vision and strategy include being Lean and Digital in all our projects.

The adaptation of Kanban and Andon to the construction site
Today’s construction projects are highly complex. And visualization can help. This is because the human brain processes visual information faster than the written or spoken. Despite this, visualization is seldom found on today’s construction sites.