Vulnerability, Trust, Conditions, Affirmations (VTCA)
As this blog series has developed, Jen, Jess, and Hoots have discovered an iterative cycle that reminds us of another previously established cycle: the PDCA (Plan, Do, Check, Act) cycle. Our team has chosen to use a similar acronym when it comes to building Culture. We have named this process the VTCA (Vulnerability, Trust, Conditions, Affirmations). With PDCA, we are continuously establishing a learning and improvement system, as well as establishing and building an intentional culture.
This final blog on the study of culture is intended to summarize our learnings of its definition and why it is important.
By now, you have had exposure to why culture is important and the fundamental building blocks of a positive, and intentional culture. It accelerates learning, deepens capability development, and improves productivity.
Jen, Jess, and Hoots have been doing 4 a.m. weekly phone calls twice a week for almost a year now. The learning in these meetings is unreal because there is a space to be yourself and allow folks to challenge you directly from all angles. If you have learned from our blogs then we invite you to follow the No BS with Jen & Jess page on LinkedIn. Following our page will invite you to join discussions on depth of trust, vulnerability, conditions, and affirmations. These calls will be limited to one hour every other week and will happen on Saturday mornings. Only those who want to be there will show up. Will you be there?
Jen, Jess, and Hoots plan to take this series of blogs and expand them. The goal is to better define what culture is and how teams can be intentional about choreographing their culture. As this program develops, we encourage you to reach out to us on social media and share how you are creating intentionally positive cultures in the construction industry.
Throughout this blog series, we have illustrated the need to be intentional about developing and steering culture among people. Culture is very much a system that operates whether you want it to or not. Finding the critical feedback loops to drive a self-organizing, virtuous culture is essential. If you pull inaccurate feedback, the wrong feedback, or no feedback, you will ultimately drive a vicious culture. Please remember: even if you’re not intentional, you’re intentional!
Thank you for taking this cultural journey with us as we attempt to unveil “THE CULTURE CALCULATION!”
Love + Care + Compassion + People = Culture
With Love, Care, Compassion and always for People,
Jennifer Lacy #RipplesOfImpact
Jesus Hernandez #DepthBuilder
Adam Hoots #CoACHEs