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Articles By This Author

What is Just-In-Time?
Imagine a world where materials and information appear just as you need them and are supplied in the correct sequence and quantity according to customer demand. No storage, no additional transportation or motion to manage.

Applying JIT in the AEC Industry
Unlike manufacturing, the AEC industry has so many more participants and variables which can make practicing JIT extremely difficult, although it is still achievable with deliberate effort.

PDCA is How We Improve the Industry
Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) problem-solving methodology is at the heart of lean. Lean thinking is about making tomorrow better than today and requires a dynamic approach of combining learning with action – the PDCA cycle is how we practice this.

PDCA Lessons Learned
Practicing scientific methodology can sound foreign or like something for academics and not what we do as owners, designers or builders. To help with this perspective, start by caring about yourself and the stakeholders around you.