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High-Performance Leadership #1 - Why We Need to Re-Think Leadership and Get New Skills

Most of us immediately think of someone in a top position, an organization leader, project leader, team leader, political leader, worship leader, etc. “Leader” is a title.


High-Performance Leadership #2 - High-Performance Teams Need High-performance Leadership

If you were leading a Formula One pit crew, what characteristics would that crew need to epitomize to be a high-performance team?


High-Performance Leadership #3 - The Missing Puzzle Piece

High Performance Leadership looks at the various systems of human interaction in our projects and our companies through a different, and equally eye-opening set of lenses.


High-Performance Leadership #4 - Facilitation Strategies and Tools to Transform Your Meetings

Just as every problem people identify about meetings is rooted in a lack of skill in leading human interactions, then at a higher level, every problem that drives our projects off course is driven by process blindness and skill deficits in project production.


High-Performance Leadership #5 - Facilitation Strategies and Tools to Transform Your Meetings

When one develops a standard process agenda such as this, team members quickly adopt a new rhythm, and it is easy to tweak the process steps or timing as needed to match the individual meeting.


High-Performance Leadership #6 - Stakeholder Engagement

Even great facilitation skills are not enough if you can’t get the right people together to address the right issues at the right time. We need sound agreements that drive action.


High-Performance Leadership #7 - The Structure of Stakeholder Engagement

The traditional project management approach assumes that decisions should be made by top managers in each of the various trade and technical/managerial disciplines. When decisions affect others we assume that senior leaders will use their expertise to sell others on their ideas.


High-Performance Leadership #8 - Win/Win Decision-Making

People help to implement decisions they helped to make. A key tactic in complex situations is to get as many agreements as you can along the way and use them as building blocks to a final agreement. You are building a cultural norm about meaningful engagement.