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What is the Lean Construction Pyramid? And how can you use it to simplify your understanding and Lean implementation?

The field of lean design and construction has been around for more than 30 years. Over time our goal is to make lean design and construction simpler, not more complex.


The Common Origins of Lean Construction, Advanced Work Packaging and Project Production Institute

Several institutions have formed over the past 30 years aimed at improving the performance of the construction industry. Among those institutions are the Construction Industry Institute (CII), the Lean Construction Institute (LCI) and the Project Production Institute (PPI.


High-Performance Leadership #4 - Facilitation Strategies and Tools to Transform Your Meetings

Just as every problem people identify about meetings is rooted in a lack of skill in leading human interactions, then at a higher level, every problem that drives our projects off course is driven by process blindness and skill deficits in project production.


Organizations of the Future

Organizations see themselves as legal entities whose influence is limited by the constitution of the organization and the offers (services/products) they provide. Their survival depends heavily on being efficient (perfecting their offers) and on efforts to control the future, so they can beat the competition.


Your Secret Recipe for Lean Success

I want to share with you about Japan's five important pivots. For those of you who have been to Japan with me, you’ve heard me articulate-this story before, but I never fully developed a deep understanding of what really transpired until now.


More Leadership than Management

We all have noticed: Managing things is different than leading people. Because of the difference, change from management to leadership means that leaders need to change or at least learn new ways to lead.


High-Performance Leadership #3 - The Missing Puzzle Piece

High Performance Leadership looks at the various systems of human interaction in our projects and our companies through a different, and equally eye-opening set of lenses.


AI in Construction Is Your Ally, Not Enemy

Hard hats and AI? Lean and AI? As an emotional intelligence coach who's spent years in the trenches of the construction industry, I see the whispers around AI. The fear, anxiety, the uncertainty. "Will robots take my job?" they ask, eyes wide.


Weekly Work Planning Guide

This guide is provided to identify the essential components of a quality Weekly Work Plan along with additional actions that strengthen the value of the practice.


Hidden Costs and Unheralded Virtues: Design-Bid-Build versus IPD

The construction industry is known for its highly visible and impressive accomplishments, but also for its rough and combative culture.

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Lean Construction in Europe Series

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Lean Construction in Action Series

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Lean Construction Champions Spotlight

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Upstream Series

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